10 things you should know about decaf…

Pick-me-up? Reward? Pure indulgence? Morning ritual? In general, it’s hard to imagine our lives (especially mine) without coffee. And of course, real coffee fans ask themselves why they should drink decaffeinated coffee.

Picture Of Babette Lichtenford

Babette Lichtenford

photo: cup of couple from pexels

There are plenty of reasons for it – pregnancy, stress, caffeine sensitivity, sleep disorders – but there are at least as many myths and prejudices about decaf. Let’s put an end to that now: Here are the 10 most important things you need to know about decaffeinated coffee.

1. Decaffeinated coffee is not caffeine FREE.

Decaf is normal roasted coffee or espresso from which most (!) of the caffeine has been removed. This is done in special decaffeination processes in which the caffeine is removed from the coffee beans before roasting. But only a large part of it.

Decaffeinated coffee is not, as most people believe, 100% free of caffeine. According to EU guidelines, coffee with less than 0.1% caffeine can be described as decaffeinated. A cup of decaffeinated coffee therefore contains around 2-5 mg of caffeine. By comparison, a cup of classic coffee contains 95 mg.

Incidentally, decaffeination was invented back in 1906, in Bremen, Germany, by a Mr. Roselius, whose father (allegedly, according to the doctors) had died of a coffee overdose. However, the Roselius process for decaffeinating coffee used the carcinogenic solvent benzene, which was fortunately banned as a solvent.

2. Decaffeination: The “how” is crucial.

Most people don’t question how the caffeine is extracted from the coffee. However, there are significant differences that also affect the quality and taste:

The chemical decaffeination.

Conventional coffees, which are primarily designed for mass and price, usually have their caffeine removed using chemical solvents. Dichloromethane or ethyl acetate is used for this purpose, an agent that is also used in nail polish remover. Logically, this method is not permitted for organic coffees.

The natural, certified organic caffeine extraction.

There are two organic processes, both quite complex, for extracting caffeine from coffee beans naturally: Firstly, the Swiss water process, in which the raw coffee beans are soaked in hot water, which is then passed through activated carbon filters to extract the caffeine. Secondly, the so-called carbon dioxide process, also known as the CO2 method. In this process, carbon dioxide is pressed through the beans under high pressure, dissolving and removing the caffeine. This method is particularly gentle, so that the aromas of the beans can fully develop and are not impaired.

All Mount Hagen decafs are decaffeinated in this way. So, you can be sure that neither chemicals are used in our organic decafs, nor is the coffee any less delicious.

3. Can you recognize decaf by the bean?

As a layman, probably not. However, a coffee professional might notice that a decaffeinated coffee can have a darker color even at a lower final temperature in the roasting drum. As soon as it is ground, however, it is still light in color – the difference between the outer and inner color is relatively large.*

4. Decaf & health.

The discussion about coffee (or caffeine) and health is an evergreen. No wonder decaf is becoming more and more of a hype. And indeed, decaffeinated coffee can have health benefits – especially if it is an organic decaf. This is because the risk (albeit small) of solvent residues does not exist with certified organic decaffeinated coffee.

Studies suggest that the consumption of decaf can reduce the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, and liver disease. These positive effects are mainly attributed to the content of phytochemicals such as polyphenols, which are also found in decaffeinated coffee.

In principle, decaf is perfect for anyone who loves coffee because of its taste but wants to avoid caffeine for various reasons. Like people who have difficulties sleeping. Or those who suffer from the so-called anxiety phenomenon (caffeine can trigger this). Or people who either want to reduce their caffeine consumption or are simply sensitive to caffeine. For example, if you have a histamine intolerance decaffeinated coffee, especially decaffeinated espresso, can be a very tasty and well-tolerated alternative.

The perfect choice during pregnancy.

The notorious morning sickness spoils the desire for coffee for many pregnant women. Decaf, especially organic decaf, is a delicious solution for everyone else who still enjoys having a cup of coffee. Of course, it is always a good idea to discuss this with your doctor so that any individual health factors can be taken into account. However, decaffeinated coffee is generally considered safe for pregnant women. So, with Mount Hagen’s organic decafs, no one needs to miss out on their favorite flavors.

Heart problems from decaf?

Although decaffeinated coffee only contains minimal amounts of caffeine, some people report symptoms such as a racing heart after a cup of decaf. This could be partly psychosomatic, as the mere expectation of drinking coffee can trigger certain physical reactions.

Interestingly, a study by the University of Bologna and the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Polyclinic found that coffee – caffeinated coffee in fact – helps to lower blood pressure. According to this study, if you drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, you have lower blood pressure than someone who doesn’t drink coffee.** Who would have thought that?

You can find out more about the health aspects of coffee – with or without caffeine – here: 

“Drinking coffee without remorse.”
“Coffee: Healthy or not?”
“Decaf: Dreadful experience or good coffee?”

5. Let's talk about taste.

Does decaffeinated coffee taste different to normal coffee? Sometimes it does. Conventional coffees sometimes have a strange aftertaste – due to decaffeination with chemical solvents. But of course, it always depends on the green coffee. The higher the quality of the green beans, the higher the quality of the finished coffee.

At Mount Hagen, we only use first-class, hand-picked organic Arabica beans for our decafs, which generally contain less caffeine than Robusta beans, for example. The elaborate decaffeination process (with carbon dioxide) preserves the characteristic aromas. As a result, even when tasting blind, you will hardly be able to tell the difference between a caffeinated classic Mount Hagen Arabica and its decaffeinated counterpart, for example.

6. Can you drink Decaf in the evening?

Yes, decaffeinated organic coffee or organic espresso is an excellent option for an after dinner coffee or as a flavorful bedtime drink. As it contains only minimal amounts of caffeine, it is unlikely to disturb your sleep. Which makes it the perfect choice for coffee lovers.

7. Can you drink as much decaffeinated coffee as you like?

As Decaf contains extremely little caffeine, it is completely harmless in “normal” quantities. Of course, you can also feel caffeine effects if you drink it in large quantities. But who does that?

8. What you should bear in mind when preparing decaf.

In principle, you can prepare decaffeinated coffee in the same way as classic coffee with caffeine. Baristas often report that a decaf should have a slightly longer brewing time than a filter coffee, but this also depends on the decaffeination process. The carbonation process is said to have hardly any effect on the extraction time. The best thing to do is to try it out and experiment a little with the grind (slightly coarser than usual).*

9. Why decaffeinated coffee becomes more and more popular.

Experts expect the market for decaffeinated coffee to reach USD 26.20 billion in 2027, which corresponds to an annual growth rate of 6.9% from 2019 to 2027. As is so often the case, the biggest drivers are the USA and probably also the Asia-Pacific region. The hype is generated (at least in the US) by 18-24 year olds, who make up 19% of the market share, with the majority of consumers looking to limit their caffeine intake.***

Does this also apply to Germany? From what you can tell from various social media channels, definitely so. But if you look at the statistics, decaf still has a lot of room for improvement in Germany (2023: 3.47 million consumers, 2024: 3.1 million consumers****). Perhaps people in this country love the caffeine kick in the morning a little more after all…?

10. Finding your favorite decaf? Easy!

As already mentioned, the decaffeination method is one of the most important criteria. An organic decaf is therefore generally a very good choice. After that, as always, personal taste and individual preferences are decisive.

Do you prefer drip coffee or espresso? Do you prefer a moka pot or do you have a portafilter? At Mount Hagen, you’ll find various options to enjoy your favorite decaf: A classic drip coffee, an espresso or – if you’re in a hurry – an instant.

If you need a little help deciding, take a look at this article: “Help! How do you find your favorite coffee?” here, we explain in detail how to find your favorite coffee. With or without caffeine.