- Coffee facts
Another good reason for drinking more organic coffee.

Kristin Oldenburg
In Germany for example, we know that coffee is the most popular drink – even before beer. We have looked into all kinds of statistics and discovered that according to one from Statista from 2021 every German consumes 11.9lbs of coffee per year. When 0.212oz of coffee go into one cup, then that makes about 900 cups. That doesn’t even sound like that much. Especially, because people from Luxemburg consume more than twice as much (24.25lbs per person per year).
But did you know that worldwide almost 1 billion cups of coffee are consumed per hour?
Impressive, right? Then again, if you consider that organic coffee only produces a quarter of the CO2 emissions that are produced during the conventional cultivation of coffee: Do you need more arguments for drinking sustainable coffee? Especially, when it is as outrageously delicious as Mount Hagen.
Here on our blog, you find various articles on the positive effects of organic coffee. For example, “Biodiversity? Who cares?” under the rubric “Responsibility” or “Rooted in respect” under “Organic Coffees”. So, make yourself a coffee (organic, of course) and check it out.