One with everything.

Picture of Kristin Oldenburg

Kristin Oldenburg

photo: ekaterina bolovtsova von pexels

We have to admit, we just recently discovered that you can actually eat all parts of carrots, kohlrabi, or cauliflower. The stem. The leaves. You just need to know how. A little inspiration is this super easy and delicious pesto recipe made from cauliflower waste.

The ingredients:

  • Leaves and stem of a cauliflower
  • 4 handfuls arugula
  • 2tbsp tomato puree
  • 2 handfuls chopped walnuts
  • 4tbsp olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Pepper

How it’s done:

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and puree for about 5 minutes (possibly longer) until it has a creamy texture. Done. You can fill the pesto into preserving jars and keep them in the refrigerator – it should be good for about a week (if it lasts that long).

You are curious for more recipes and ideas with and to enjoy along with your coffee? Then browse through our section “TASTY”. And if you are interested to find out what else you can cook with stems and stalks: We can suggest the cookbook “The Zero-Waste kitchen” by Charmaine Yabsley. Not new but quite recommendable.