A different kind of resource conservation

A few days ago, on a pretty regular, cloudy, typical German December morning at 6:30, I was sitting on my couch, wrapped in a huge blanket with a large (!) latte and felt like I would not, maybe ever (at least not for the next two hours), want to move again. It was so nice to just sit there, to think about nothing at all, to see how the dark grey changed slowly, very slowly, into a light grey. A second, a third coffee … beautiful.

foto: toa heftiba on unsplash

A different kind of resource conservation

Vor ein paar Tagen, an einem ganz normalen, trüben, norddeutschen Dezembermorgen um halb sieben, saß ich samt großem (!) Milchkaffee unter der dicken Decke auf dem Sofa und wollte mich nicht, eigentlich nie wieder (zumindest für die nächsten zwei Stunden nicht) dort wegbewegen. Einfach schön vor sich hin schauen, nichts denken, zusehen, wie das Dunkelgrau langsam, ganz langsam in Lichtgrau wechselt. Einen zweiten, einen dritten Kaffee… Herrlich.

foto: toa heftiba on unsplash

This “stolen“ hour was very much needed during this crazy year-end spurt. And gave me the idea to write this text.

Let’s look at resource conservation from a different angle. Instead of jumping from on climate protection topic to the next. Instead of running from one constructive solution option to the next idea. Instead of scrolling from one bad news to the next, to swipe, to zap – to just do nothing. Nothing at all.

Promoting sustainability and forgetting about oneself on the way is simply one thing: Stupid. And I am not referring to the often-quoted work-life balance.

For me, work is part of my life and inseparably connected to me. When I am working a job that does not make me happy, I change that. You (almost) always have a choice. But that is a different topic.

What I mean, is to remain master of your own life. To not let your phone, Email, Instagram, Facebook, Podcasts, or WhatsApp dictate your pace. I mean, not being stressed (or stressing yourself) during Christmas season because of presents, food, the family, or winter vacation. But to treat your resources strength, courage, and optimism respectfully and “sustainably“.

For us in the editorial department that means: Taking a break.

A break from thinking, writing, and posting until January 9th.

And to do NOTHING. With great pleasure (and a couple of very delicious coffees). How about you?

We wish you a relaxing Christmas season filled with small and large breaks. And a happy start into the new year.

Your Mount Hagen Team

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