How you can make a difference yourself.

Here you will find lots of suggestions, tips and tricks for a “greener”, more sustainable way of living. Take a look, it’s worth it.

Saving energy? No problem! Here are 5 simple tips.

Saving energy is actually a year-round topic, but it's especially useful in winter with all the snuggling, cooking, and indoor living: So here are the 5 most simple but effective tips for saving energy in the kitchen.

Mindfulness, decaf, and a very special moment.

Nach dem Trubel und Stress der vergangenen Monate versuchen nicht nur wir, ein bisschen achtsamer, ein bisschen ruhiger, gesünder und aufmerksamer im Alltag zu sein. Und das geht mit dem bewussten Genuss von Kaffee und mit Decaf besonders gut. Wie genau – und was man darüber wissen sollte, erfahrt ihr hier. After the hustle and stress of the past few months, we are not the only ones trying to be a little more mindful, a little calmer, healthier, and more attentive in our everyday lives. And this works particularly well with the conscious enjoyment of coffee and decaf. Here, we tell you what that means and everything you need to know about it.

The power of …!

… und durch? Wenn ihr darunter einen Powernap versteht, ist das genau die richtige Devise gegen Stress, vor allem jetzt im Nikolaus- & Weihnachtsalarm. Hier also die 5 Tipps für richtiges Powernapping – und was Kaffee damit zu tun hat. … a power nap. A power nap is a good way to combat stress, especially now at the start of the year. So here are 5 tips for proper power napping – and we tell you what coffee has to do with it.

No coffee!

In the very likely event that you catch a cold these days - and don't want to drink coffee (because you cannot taste anything) - we have put together a few household remedies and tips for “countering colds”. Get well soon!

Green shopping made easy.

There are plenty of shopping guides out there. Here, we have put together a few simple rules of thumb to help you shop in a more environmentally friendly, sustainable, and greener way. Without a lot of fuss, without having to remember a lot.

Garden. Water. Coffee grounds.

Why not to underestimate coffee grounds. Especially in the garden, it is an almost-all-rounder: it helps against pests without massacring them. It helps in the compost heap. And it also works in irrigation water.