Everything for a good morning

Some people have a crisis when you cheerfully shout “Good morning!” at them. I’m like that, especially at 7 in the morning when I’m pacing around with the dog and very small eyes. I am an avowed morning grouch. And for me, it’s a good morning:

Picture of Barbara Beiertz

Barbara Beiertz

photo: gregor mcewan

But first coffee…

There are a lot of people like me who are grumpy in the mornings. It is said that that applies to almost 25% of the German population. Living with us, especially as an early bird, is certainly not easy. But if you respect a few tiny little things when dealing with us owls, then pretty much every morning will be a good morning.

For me – how could it be any different – a large, very tasty latte is a must. Preferably in bed (definitely an advantage if you live with an early riser). Even better if it has some really nice chocolate flavors and I can drink it in peace and quiet – with my eyes closed, cozied up in my warm bed. This peace and quiet is practically essential for my survival. Sounds like a drama queen? But it’s not unusual at all.

In psychology, this is called “cognitive bandwidth”, which means that each of us has a certain amount of mental capacity when we get up in the morning. This means that every activity – brushing your teeth, Instagramming, checking emails, making coffee – uses up some of this mental capacity, which could be put to better use. A few minutes of rest, on the other hand, switches off the part of the brain responsible for rational thinking (and worries and fears), which is very relaxing. And significantly improves your mood.

Good-morning breakfast.

Even if you’re not really hungry in the morning, like me – which is hardly surprising after a large latte: Breakfast is a good way to get started. Especially if it’s healthy and delicious. Whether it’s fruit salad, whole meal bread, a bowl, or a croissant, that’s really up to you. Personally, I love fruit and chop my own fruit salad (even if I’m still lazy). I admit that when I manage to do this (of course, not every morning), it definitely puts me in a better mood.


A second tip for a good morning is supposedly to get up early. Which doesn’t mean sleeping less, but going to bed earlier and having the alarm clock ring at 6 instead of 6.30 am. Hmm. I don’t know. Supposedly very successful people are absolute early risers (see Bill Gates or Anna Wintour). And I often get the 5 o’clock early riser success story in my social media feed (why is that?). But I haven’t been able to get myself to try it yet.

I prefer this morning routine: If not coffee in bed, then out into the woods with the dog (passing the neighbors as quickly as possible), looking into nature and slowly switching from autopilot to “Barbara control”. Then at home: Coffee! To be precise, a Demeter single-estate espresso from Peru. Its hazelnut-chocolate flavors are absolute caresses for my grumpy head. Accompanied by a bit of music (not too loud) and an amused smile from my loved one on the other side of the table (where, of course, there’s a bowl of fruit salad he’s chopped for me). Sigh. Good morning!