- Green Lifestyle
Mindfulness, decaf, and a very special moment.
So, how did the veganuary work out for you? Or being more active this year? Did you keep up with your New Year’s resolutions? The answers to this question in our editorial office were rather reserved. In most cases, we slowly but surely slipped back into our old habits after a few weeks. Me too. Like every year. That’s why I’ve decided to try something different now: More mindfulness.

Kristin Oldenburg
Mindfulness - just a hype?
“Mindfulness” seems to be everywhere. On the yoga mat, on Instagram, at the job seminar, in daycare, during dog training, online, offline. And now here too? Yes. And not as esoteric or self-optimizing as it might sound at first. But quite simply: With pleasure. Coffee (especially good coffee) and mindfulness go together wonderfully.
What exactly is mindfulness?
If you ask the AI about the meaning of mindfulness, the answer is: “Mindfulness can be described as the practice of being alive in the present moment without judgement.” In other words: experiencing and enjoying a moment as consciously as possible. There’s no question that this works very well with coffee, especially in everyday life.
Coffee making – a sensual relaxation ritual.
Coffee is much more than just a drink, just a stimulant. For most of us, it is a ritual. One that we master in our sleep (early in the morning, before the first cup), but which is also a very sensual experience. From the choice of beans to the first sip that stimulates the palate. Let’s give it a try:
Imagine…: You smell our espresso decaf beans. They smell warm and cozy. And when you grind them fresh, your nose is even more delighted. A bit of chocolate, a bit of “home”. Plus, the cozy crunchy sound of the beans in the grinder.
Finally, you fill the ground coffee into the portafilter, which then hisses and hums and conjures up a small, fine espresso with a golden yellow, striped crema. Joyful anticipation.
Take your cup to a quiet cozy spot. Close your eyes, take a sip and concentrate on the aromas: Chocolate, fine fruit, a very elegant acidity… What a moment. Pure wellness.
The beauty of it is that you don’t need any caffeine for such a ritual.
Caffeine-free coffee – the perfect companion for mindfulness.
The good thing about decaffeinated coffee is that you won’t even be tempted to rush out and get a caffeine kick. On the contrary, you can consciously concentrate on the aromas and enjoy the coffee – with all your senses. Because a good espresso or drip coffee (such as our Arabica decaf) is just as opulent, aromatic, and outrageously delicious as its caffeinated version thanks to our special decaffeination process with natural spring carbon dioxide. Mount Hagen decafs are therefore the ideal companions for very sensual and relaxed moments in everyday life.
By the way, my personal favorite side effect of such a coffee ritual: I am much happier. Eat fewer snacks to combat stress (#loseweight2.0!). I’m much more relaxed. And I drink less coffee – which I probably shouldn’t mention here, but so be it.
If you would like to know more about the organic decaffeination process, you can find further information here:
“Drinking coffee without remorse.”
“Decaffeinating and natural carbon dioxide.”