That’s amazing…

foto: jocelyn morales on unsplash

That’s amazing…

Because courage also needs motivation, you will occasionally (and hopefully more often) find good news about environmental protection and similar topics here.

foto: jala /

There are more than enough bad and frustrating news every day. That is not only depressing, but also draining and takes up a lot of energy, motivation, and commitment. But since these are the things that are so crucial if you want to change something – and we want that – we use this platform to also collect good news.

This one, got us really excited:

In Italy, environmental protection and generational equality have been enshrined in the constitution, since February (article 9): “The state must safeguard the environment, biodiversity and the ecosystem also in the interest of future generations.”*

The second article (41) which defines that “private economic enterprise is free”, but ”it may not be carried out against the common good or in such a manner that could damage safety, liberty and human dignity”** was complemented by environmental protection.

In comparison:

Since 1994 it has been enshrined in the German constitution, article 20a, that “mindful also of its responsibility towards future generations, the state shall protect the natural foundations of life and animals by legislation.”*** Well, okay…

In June 2021 a stricter climate protection law was passed eventually, with the aim of greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany until 2045 (the original plan was until 2050.) The emission target for 2030 was also adjusted: From a reduction by 55% to 65%.

The law change became necessary after a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court, that declared parts of the old (milder) version of the law unconstitutional to prevent “leaving subsequent generations with a drastic reduction burden and expose their lives to comprehensive losses of freedom.”**** The reason for this was a constitutional complaint by, inter alia, nine young people from all over Germany, in order to get the Federal Climate Change Act of 2019 reviewed.

And it worked! That is also good news!


& look here..

& look here...