- Green Lifestyle
Toss it away?
Oh! Sh…, the milk turned sour. Ok fine, I’ll just have a pure espresso. But it still bothers me to pour away half a gallon of milk. And since this has happened to me repeatedly lately, me and my colleagues started searching for some solutions concerning food waste.

Kristin Oldenburg
Did you know, that 40% of the produced food worldwide never finds its way onto the table (and thus, is never being eaten)? On their website, WWF Austria writes that this means, that in terms of figures food that was produced between January 1st and May 26th in the past year was lost.* And further: About 10% of the global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by food waste.
Isn’t that crazy? And just incidentally food prices are rising.
Alright. So, what can be done against food waste?
There are various tips on how to treat veggies and the like better. You can for example find them on the WWF website. There also food sharing portals (see links below) and platforms for saved organic food. And here, we have some very simple tips for you on what to do with rotten food (e.g. with sour milk).
Dear latte-, cappuccino-, and flat white-fans:
Sour milk works well as
- lime remover in the toilet or (kitchen) sink. Simply let it soak in, rinse, and scrub with the toilet brush.
- Polish for silver jewelry: Just place the jewelry in the milk, let it sit overnight, and rinse with warm water. Done.
- Fertilizer: Mix the milk with some water and water the plants with it.
Did you also know that you can place limp carrots in water and let them sit for 24 hours to make them crunchy again?
If you like to know more about leftover-recycling, check out the article “You need…all leftovers from the day”. And to learn how to avoid rotten food in the fridge we recommend reading “No more rotting”.