Did you know that coffee...?

There are so many interesting and curious things to say about coffee – here we tell you about them. Perfect for the next small-talk coffee klatch.

Drinking coffee without remorse.

Sweaty palms, fluttering heart, fuzzy brain? I am (unfortunately) not referring to the feeling of falling in love, but about the effects that - too much - caffeine has on some people. And who therefore give up coffee. And yet there is decaffeinated organic coffee (and we have everything you need to know about it here).

Help! How do you find your favorite coffee?

In the jungle of coffee varieties, beans, and flavor profiles, finding THE coffee that suits you and will continuously delight you is not that easy. We want to give you some guidance and help you find the perfect coffee for your taste.

Instant coffee for coffee lovers?

Instant coffee is incredibly convenient. But how is produced to also taste good (after all, that's the most important thing) What do you need to look out for? Highly condensed instant coffee knowledge for outdoor fans, office people without coffee kitchens, campers and the like.

Bye, coffee stains.

Coffee stains: such an unnecessary thing! And of course they prefer to spread on white T-shirts, bedspreads and tablecloths. The good news: There’s an easy fix. Find out how - even with older coffee stains - here.

What coffee has to offer besides caffeine.

Everyone talks about caffeine when it comes to the ingredients in coffee. Caffeine as a stimulant, as a catalyst for sporting performance. But coffee has much more to offer: Minerals, vitamins, fiber. So how healthy is it, our coffee?

Omniroast. What it is. And what it can do.

One of the omnipresents terms in the world of coffee culture right now is „Omniroast“. Find out about this roasting „for everything and everyone“ and learn more about the question of flavor…