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Fair trade

Fair trade, noun: A strategy for fighting poverty: Farmers in Africa, Latin America and Asia can effectively improve their living and working conditions through fair trade standards – guaranteed minimum prices significantly higher than the world market level plus fixed premium payments and compliance with social and environmental criteria. They

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Organic standard

Organic standard, noun: Describes the criteria and restrictions for permission to use a specific organic seal. Compliance should be ensured via documentation requirements, regular monitoring and samples. Seals include the EU organic seal (previously: the organic hexagon, now: the organic leaf) as well as the seals of various farmers associations

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Biodynamic, adj. (also referred to as biodynamic cultivation or Demeter): Strictest form of organic cultivation. Based on anthroposophic principles of Rudolf Steiner, “Agriculture Course” (1924/25). The earth and every agricultural operation is viewed as a living organism that should contain as many complementary and supporting plant and animal species as

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Bioland, noun: Farmers association 
of organic farmers and processors with standards that are significantly more stringent than those of the EU organic seal, for example. www.bioland.de

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