Entdecken Sie die Welt des Kaffees in unserer umfassenden Enzyklopädie. Von Anbauverfahren über Inhaltsstoffe bis hin zu Zubereitungsmethoden – tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Kaffeekultur. Lernen Sie mehr über nachhaltige Praktiken und die Geschichte hinter jedem Schluck.

Coffee consumption

Coffee consumption, noun: Statistically every person in Germany drinks 150 liters of coffee per year (versus 130 liters of mineral water and 110 liters of beer). This corresponds roughly to 6-7 kilograms of coffee beans. How healthy or unhealthy drinking coffee actually is is constantly being debated by the experts.

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Café, noun: According to tradition, cafés originated in Mecca at the beginning of the 16th century. Even back then it was the go-to place for discussions and gossip. The first German café was opened in Bremen in 1673. It became a meeting place for male society, merchants, politicians, literary figures,

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Brew Bar

Brew Bar, noun: New trend for cafés: Very good (pure) filter coffee is prepared with a lot of effort regarding the selection of beans, the roasting and the filter method. In principle, it’s the opposite of the fast ‘caffè lattes to go’. (see also: barista)

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Milk, noun: Additive to coffee. For café au lait, cappuccino, latte macchiato, etc. milk foam is better; preferably with very fresh milk with a higher fat content. There are numerous methods of preparing it. From steam lances to espresso machines to tiny battery-operated agitators to small immersion heater-like machines to

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Flavor, noun (also flavoring): Synonym for taste. Coffee is one of the most complex natural products with over 800 flavors (wine has only 400 flavors). They extend from dark chocolate, roasted peanuts to fruity wild berries – and all without any artificial additives. Influencing factors: Coffee variant (see Arabica, Robusta),

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