Entdecken Sie die Welt des Kaffees in unserer umfassenden Enzyklopädie. Von Anbauverfahren über Inhaltsstoffe bis hin zu Zubereitungsmethoden – tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Kaffeekultur. Lernen Sie mehr über nachhaltige Praktiken und die Geschichte hinter jedem Schluck.

Plant sociology

Plant sociology, noun: Term used to describe the “biocenosis” of various plants. In the context of coffee cultivation, it means planting crops and shade trees between the coffee trees.

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Preparation, noun: Characteristic for biodynamic agriculture. Soil and plant fertility, ripeness quality and diversity are promoted through the use of self-produced fertilizer or spray mixtures made from cow manure, medicinal plants and minerals.

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Stripping, verb (also strip picking): 
Here, all coffee berries are “stripped off,” even the unripe and overripe ones. This is mostly a mechanical process. It subsequently requires very precise quality control processes in order to sort out the unusable beans. 
It is the opposite of picking or selective picking.

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Standard, adj.: Term for coffee that is cultivated at an elevation of 2300-3250 feet above sea level. Quality indicator. (see also: SHG and HG)

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Single origin

Single origin, adj.: Indicates coffee of one variety that comes from a single cultivation area. In and of itself, it is not a statement as to the quality of the coffee, however, since only unique coffees have the potential to be enjoyed purely, single origins are indeed something special. It

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Single Estate

Single Estate, adj.: single-origin coffee from a single farm or a small, select cultivation area, e.g., “middle of the southern slope”.

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