Entdecken Sie die Welt des Kaffees in unserer umfassenden Enzyklopädie. Von Anbauverfahren über Inhaltsstoffe bis hin zu Zubereitungsmethoden – tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Kaffeekultur. Lernen Sie mehr über nachhaltige Praktiken und die Geschichte hinter jedem Schluck.


Brewing, Subst., n. Describes the process of making coffee, usually with a hand filter, coffee machine and French press. Important: The water temperature should not be higher than 95°C and not lower than 85°C. Also pay attention to the ratio of coffee powder to water and the degree of grinding.

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Sugar, substance, m, sweetener. To really judge coffee, you should definitely try it without sugar. This also applies to the milk in coffee.

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Cold Brew Coffee – Mount Hagen Organic Coffee

Coldbrew, Subst., m, preparation method for filter coffee: relatively coarsely ground coffee powder is infused with cold water. After 12-24 hours of infusion, it is then filtered very finely. A very intense, aromatic coffee with little acidity. Often served as a cold brew latte. With pure fruit juice and carbon

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Sugar, noun: Sweetener. In order to really be able to assess coffee, you should definitely try it without sugar. The same applies to milk in coffee.

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Taste, noun: Coffee has more than 800 flavors. For the individually perfect taste, there is an enormous amount of factors that play a role, even ones that sound strange, such as “humidity” (which affects the grinding level). The important ones are: Quality of the green coffee Type of roasting process/the

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