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La Chacra D’dago

La Chacra D’dago, proper name, w. Demeter coffee farm near Villa Rica below the 5000m Ticlio, Peru. Rainforest coffee gardens. Owner Dagoberto Marin cultivates our Single Origin there according to strict biodynamic criteria: a rarity.

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Kenya, country: Located in East Africa. It is also referred to as the cradle of mankind. Coffee: Arabicas that are cultivated mostly by small farmers at elevations between 5000 and 6500 ft above sea level. Kenyan Arabicas are considered very harmonious and pleasantly fruity and spicy.

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Ethiopia, country: Located in northeast Africa bordering Eritrea, Sudan and Kenya, among others. It is an ethnically diverse country with more than 80 different ethnic groups. Its history dates back to the 9th century BC. It is regarded as the birthplace of coffee. It is among the poorest countries in

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Mount Hagen

Mount Hagen, city: Located in Papua New Guinea. It is the capital of the Western Highlands province in the interior of the country. As of 2009, its population was estimated at 39,000. It lies at approximately 5500 feet above sea level near Mount Wilhelm (14,800 feet above sea level). The

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Mexico, country: Located in North America. It borders the United States and Guatemala, among others. Its capital, Mexico City, is one of the world’s largest metropolises. It is one of the twelve countries considered as belonging to the so-called biodiversity hotspots and is home to 200,000 different species, which is

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Goroka, city: Located in Papua New Guinea. It is the capital of the Eastern Highlands province. It is located at 5250 feet above sea level and has a perennial spring-like climate, which is ideal for coffee cultivation. This is where the majority of our Papua New Guinea Arabicas come from.

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