Amino acids, Subst. Components of proteins. During roasting, amino acids and sugar form a new compound, from which many of the characteristic aromas and colorings are created.
Entdecken Sie die Welt des Kaffees in unserer umfassenden Enzyklopädie. Von Anbauverfahren über Inhaltsstoffe bis hin zu Zubereitungsmethoden – tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Kaffeekultur. Lernen Sie mehr über nachhaltige Praktiken und die Geschichte hinter jedem Schluck.
Amino acids, Subst. Components of proteins. During roasting, amino acids and sugar form a new compound, from which many of the characteristic aromas and colorings are created.
Alkaloid, noun: An ingredient in coffee: Compound containing nitrogen that is found in many plants. This includes caffeine at a ratio of 0.8 to 2.5%. In addition, coffee also includes low amounts of trigonelline, theobromine and theophylline. Roasting breaks down 75% of trigonelline, forming the vitamin niacin (nicotinic acid). One
Carbohydrate, noun: An ingredient in coffee. Together with fat and protein, they are an essential component of our diet. They are a product of photosynthesis in plants. They constitute 30-40% of coffee beans. Over the course of the roasting, carbohydrates undergo significant changes. The sugars almost completely disappear. The insoluble
Caffeine, noun: An alkaloid and an important component of coffee as well as tea, guarana and cacao. It has a stimulating effect and increases one’s ability to concentrate. Note: In the journal “Science,” researchers report that the concentration of caffeine in the nectar of some varieties of coffee, those that
Aroma, n, also flavoring agent. Synonym for flavor. With over 800 aromas, coffee is one of the most complex natural products (wine has only 400 aromas). They range from dark chocolate and roasted peanuts to fruity wild berries – with no artificial additives. Influencing factors: Coffee variety (see Arabica, see
Proteins, noun: An ingredient in coffee. Long chains of amino acids. Approximately 10% of green coffee consists of proteins. After roasting, they are barely present since they are destroyed by the heat or bind to other substances.
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