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Sustainability, Subst. Original meaning: a long or prolonged effect, permanence. Actually comes from forestry (do not cut down more than can grow back). Meanwhile a rubber word with a lot of definitions. The most common: combining ecology, economy and social justice to preserve the system for future generations.

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Aluminum-free, adj. Aluminum is widely used as a packaging material for coffee, both as a capsule and as the inner coating of coffee bags. Production is immensely energy-intensive*. In addition, its production from bauxite produces toxic waste products such as red mud. And: as the large bauxite deposits are located

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Scarcity of resources

Scarcity of resources, Subst. w. Refers to the finite nature of natural resources such as coal, oil, water, ores, etc. Population growth and the ever-increasing demand for food, energy and materials are putting ever greater pressure on our planet’s finite resources. Solutions for energy efficiency, combating food waste, recycling concepts

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Biodiversity, Subst, w., is “the variability among living organisms from all sources, including (…) terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part.” (Convention on Biological Diversity). This means diversity within species, diversity between species, diversity of ecosystems and genetic diversity. This means that

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Healthy living

Healthy living, Subst., w. Technical term now commonly used in the construction industry. Means protection against hazardous substances and avoidance of harmful building and finishing materials. It also includes sound insulation, moisture-regulating building materials or a so-called diffusion-open construction method in order to develop a healthy indoor climate. However, it

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Recycling in Coffee Production – Mount Hagen

Recycling, Subst., n., English for “reuse/recycle”. Describes the process by which waste products are reused and become secondary raw materials. It already existed in ancient Rome: excrement was sold as fertilizer to farmers in the surrounding area. Regulated in Germany by the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act. The opposite:

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