Discover the world of coffee in our comprehensive encyclopedia. From cultivation methods to ingredients and preparation methods – immerse yourself in the fascinating coffee culture. Learn more about sustainable practices and the story behind every sip.


Terroir, noun: From the French “terre,” meaning land. The term originally comes from wine cultivation. It describes the natural factors of a parcel of land that influence the characteristics of

Time between preparation and consumption

Time between preparation and consumption: Brewed coffee should be drunk as fresh as possible and not kept warm on a hotplate in the pot – after time, it simply becomes

To go

To go, adj.: It has become the omnipresent method of drinking coffee: in a paper cup with a lid while walking on the street, often as a “latte with caramel”


Transfair, association: It was founded in 1992 under its official name: “TransFair – Verein zur Förderung des Fairen Handels mit der ‚Dritten Welt‘ e. V.” (Society for the Promotion of Fair

Turkish Coffee

Turkish Coffee, noun: also known as Turkish mocha. It is not a description of the cultivation area, but rather a special method of preparing coffee – probably the oldest one.


Uganda, country: Located in East Africa. It borders Kenya, the Congo and Tanzania, among others. The country has a very checkered and dark history that includes the dictator Idi Amin,

Viennese melange

Viennese melange, noun: Method of preparing coffee: Prepared with equal parts coffee and milk and topped with milk froth. Sweetened with sugar or honey. (see also: café au lait).

Viennese roast

Viennese roast, Subst., f., the lightest of the dark roasts. Some of the beans have a shine due to the coffee oils, and you can still taste the acids.


Washed, adj. (also lavado): Sign of quality of a coffee that has been prepared wet.


Water, noun: As a brewed drink, coffee is 98% water. Consequently, its quality is important. The most important influence is its hardness (you can find this at the water works),
