Biodynamic farming is climate protection.

Picture of Babette Lichtenford

Babette Lichtenford

photo: lichtenford-design

We have tried to summarize this complex subject in three main points:

1. In Demeter farming,
“Demeter farmers spread compost, use biodynamic preparations, implement wide crop rotation and grow catch crops and legumes to promote soil life and humus formation.”*

2. What humus does:
It “not only produces the best food, but also captures CO2 from the atmosphere (…) in a completely harmless manner.”**

3. How big is the lever?
“The UN environmental program considers that cultivation methods which increase humus can store up to 4.8Gt of CO2 every year.”*** This is more than five times the amount of greenhouse gas that is emitted in Germany every year and just over the EU’s total amount of CO2 emissions of 4.3 billion tonnes.

photo: La Chacra D’dago
photo: La Chacra D’dago

Why do we mention it?

On the one hand, because we also supported the Boden Connection initiative by Demeter in Germany, which some of you may have seen in organic stores. And, perhaps more importantly, because our Peru coffee comes from the Demeter-certified La Chacra D’dago farm in Villa Rica. We help owner Dagoberto Marin to motivate other farmers in the area to convert to Demeter cultivation – a process that takes three years. By doing this, we attempt (albeit indirectly) to contribute to climate protection. And with coffee, this is no easy feat. 

Besides, the Demeter-certified single origin from Peru is a truly exceptional coffee with the subtle sweetness of hazelnut and chocolate.
