- Commitment
Good ideas MUST be supported
At least, that’s how we feel. Therefore, we met one of those great ideas – recyclehero from Hamburg / Germany.

Karsten Suhr
In 2018, Nadine Herbrich and Alessandro Cocco founded their ecological recycling company: Recyclehero. Ever since that day, they found themselves on a mission to recycle wastepaper, glass, as well as returnable bottles for companies and private customers. And: They do it with the help of their incredible (!) cargo bikes.
Not only does this service led to an increase of recycling – because let’s be real, we all can be lazy as hell sometimes – but it’s nothing less than an added social value, too: recyclehero offers jobs to those in need, who would barely be able to make it elsewhere due to their origin, language skills, or different kinds of handicaps.
Nadine Herbrich and Alessandro Cocco, founders of recyclehero. (And incredibly important, too: Viko, their soulmate.)
Marc Strand / BildVerstaerker

"Companies have the power to do so much good in this world. Unfortunately, in most cases, all they do is react to the demands of society or trends that‘ll come and go. That‘s really a shame. If you are so lucky to run a cool company – what do you do? You try to give back – and not only to your stakeholders."
True. And that’s why we support recyclehero by booking their bikes for our advertisements. Plus: Since Nadine is what we can certainly call a „heavy user” of our Mount Hagen Arabica coffee, we all find ourselves in a – how we call it – win-win-win situation.
Check out the whole interview: „A coffee with…recyclehero“.
Last but not least: If you want to find out more about the services of Nadine and Alessandro, visit their website https://www.recyclehero.de