- Commitment
Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.
{Ralph Waldo Emerson}

Karsten Suhr
Unfortunately, organic coffee is still not the “standard”. And especially not biodynamically cultivated organic coffee – Demeter Coffee. In fact, the opposite is the case: It is a rarity. That is why we are all the more “happy”, that we coincidentally met Dago from La Chacra D’dago about 11 years ago.
Originally, we had planned to visit a completely different coffee farmer on our trip through Peru. But sometimes destiny (or whoever) guides you into the right direction. We passed the small farm near Villa Rica, stopped unplanned, and started talking. About our vision for coffee and about Dago’s vision for cultivation. And only after a short amount of time – he and his family were about to convert to biodynamic cultivation by conviction – we became business partners and friends.
We support La Chacra D’dago with interest-free loans, for example for fermentation tanks and help him and his son Cesar to also get the surrounding famers enthusiastic about biodynamic coffee cultivation. We have developed an exceptional cooperation – something that is almost as rare as Demeter Coffee.
That certainly is great luck – but by no means coincidence.
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