The mountain is real.

Picture Of Karsten Suhr

Karsten Suhr

photo: matthias kopfmüller

Our name Mount Hagen isn’t the product of some resourceful copywriter’s imagination. It’s actually the name of a real mountain and the very district in which our first ever coffee farm was located. Nestled at the heart of Papua New Guinea in the Western Highlands Province, our story with organically cultivated coffee began at the end of the 1980s (you’ll find the story of the whole adventure here).

Mount Hagen is a former colony of German New Guinea, and was named after Curt von Hagen, the governor of German New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea is – still –
a real insider’s tip for opulent Arabicas.

Which is all thanks to its volcanic soil, the climate and sufficient rainfall – luckily, there are no droughts here.