Tag: Courage

Oprah? Redford? Greta? Sting? Granny?

We were wondering: Who from all people in the world would we want to meet for a coffee? Talk to? Listen to? To get some new ideas from, be inspired by, be motivated by? How about you? Here are some answers.

The courage to eat salad.

Salad with coffee? That is not only possible – it is super delicious. So, have the courage to try something new and try this salad with orange-coffee-dressing. You will be surprised.

Another good reason for drinking more organic coffee.

Some numbers even impress us coffee freaks. Here are some, that are one more reason for us to produce 100% organic coffee. Curious? Then check this out.

No more rotting.

Let’s be honest – Who has not had rotten peppers or carrots in theor fridge before? Rotten lettuce? That went directly into the trash? With a guilty conscience, but even the few good leaves that were left would have tasted terrible. But you can change that. Here are some tricks for the proper storage of different types of food in and outside the fridge.

One of the hottest recipes ever: Berry-Coffee-Smoothie. So tasty.

A remarkable combo: Berries and Coffee. As a slightly frozen smoothie. Especially now, a very welcome and refreshing wake-up call. Try for yourself, the recipe is really easy.

The courage to become independent. Part 2: Self-sufficiency

How does dropping out work? Is It actually possible to live self-sufficient – in the city? For part 2 of our series “The courage to become independent” we gathered some ideas on how self-sufficient living can work. And that does not only concern food and water. Even when it comes to energy supply you can become at least partly independent. But we saved the latter for part 3 of our series.

Saving trees?

Spending a relaxed summer day under trees – beautiful. But these trees need a huge amount of water, especially now. We have discovered a very practical watering system, that does not only help city administrations to reduce the consequences of the climate change for chestnut trees and the like, it also saves time – and money.

Pasta with coffee? Unbelievable? Unbelievably delicious.

Pasta is always our go-to dish – but with coffee? That was even new for us. The whole editorial staff was quite curious about the outcome when we cooked this dish together. The result: Wow. It takes a while but is definitely worth the time.

Using the sun for more independence.

It does not have to be the huge photovoltaic system up on the roof. In this article, we tell you how to turn your balcony into a mini energy supplier and thus, to become a little more independent of the craziness of the energy markets (and the energy giant in the east) using a 22 sqft solar system.

Putting an end to the empty phrase we really should. Or: How an idea grows and prospers.

How many dreams, projects, ideas are not being realized every single day? Are the result of an euphoric, inspiring night with friends and are not put into pratice? Many. That is why for this Coffee with… we are meeting with someone who made it happen: Jutta Nachtwey from Saatkultur*. A project that cleverly combines humanitarian help, biodiversity, and design.