First another coffee and then…

Alright, alright. I have been watching the duck in my backyard wandering around the pond for 15 minutes now (very cute). I turned on some music (it takes time to find the right playlist). I resisted the oh-the-window-needs-to-be-cleaned-impulse and I am sitting at my computer. But it is almost 6pm. Basically too late to start something new. Who cares. I’ll do it now.

foto: pedro forester da silva on unsplash

First another coffee and then…

Alright, alright. I have been watching the duck in my backyard wandering around the pond for 15 minutes now (very cute). I turned on some music (it takes time to find the right playlist). I resisted the oh-the-window-needs-to-be-cleaned-impulse and I am sitting at my computer. But it is almost 6pm. Basically too late to start something new. Who cares. I’ll do it now.

foto: pedro forester da silva on unsplash

One more espresso to wake up (one with smooth chocolate aromas) and then I’ll get to work.

If it wasn’t so silly…

…these delaying tactics would almost be funny. According to estimations every fifth person in Germany tends to have a procrastinating behavior. Especially singles and young people. That is probably the reason why the University Niederrhein offers a procrastination test with tips on how to overcome that behavior.* According to that, there are 6 different procrastination types:

The perfectionist. The worried one. The crisis instigator. The dreamer. The exaggerator. The defiant one.

Me personally, I am a mixture of the perfectionist and the defiant one, which does not make it one bit easier.

The reason why people procrastinate is quite simple:

The way humans are built, they prefer quick and short-term satisfaction. That is why we prefer doing things that show quick results (like a clean fridge). And we try to avoid unpleasant efforts. In this respect, procrastination is pretty normal. The most important trick: Just do it. And tell yourself: I will write this article. (Not: I must/want to write this article). It’s as easy as that. And it is worth it. Because postponing things takes up so much time and energy. According to a study by the Carlton University in Ottawa, 94% of the notorious procrastinators said that postponing things causes a bad mood. 70% felt bad after it or even unhappy.** And no one wants that.

Well then…

… let’s make ourselves a really good coffee and get to work. If you need more tips on overcoming avoidance behavior and procrastination, check out the list with helpful links at the end of the text.

And for everyone who wants to know how new ideas develop: Check out the article “Don’t fear a blank page”. Here, you find many inspirations on how to be inspired.

How do you deal with projects? Do you also have postponing-rituals? Or are you a real doer? Leave us a comment, we can’t wait to read your answers.


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